Labor Day, September 6, 2010
Committee Work
He imagines outside his building
a tree full of magpies still
roosting in the middle of the day.
Inside no coups or shake-ups
planned, no Mein Kampfs about
to be written. The seated slap on
My Name Is ___ tags, office geishas
serve up today’s numbers.
Old business follow-ups:
motivational posters pulled down;
studies show they have negative
effect on morale.
Whatever happens in Vegas
stays in Vegas no longer an acceptable
reason/excuse for maxing out
the company expense account.
Token IRA contribution set up
to compensate employees for
the 2.4 seconds it takes
the government to spend
their lifetime tax payments.
Promising new business: R&D
brainstorms entire population
of US could fit into ten major league
stadiums in liquid form.
Cutting-edge research to begin on
products and services appealing
to twelve-fingered humans who will
achieve majority status by 2412.
Secure six golden handcuffs,
extend seven golden handshakes.
Notify legal.
Employee #131313, John Blackard,
scheduled for interview without coffee
Christmas Eve. No severance package.
Nothing else for the good
of the order; everything appears
copasetic. Meeting adjourned.
Circling the parking lot in
his head, magpies chase and peck
bad dogs with chicken carcasses
wired around their necks.
John A. Blackard
He imagines outside his building
a tree full of magpies still
roosting in the middle of the day.
Inside no coups or shake-ups
planned, no Mein Kampfs about
to be written. The seated slap on
My Name Is ___ tags, office geishas
serve up today’s numbers.
Old business follow-ups:
motivational posters pulled down;
studies show they have negative
effect on morale.
Whatever happens in Vegas
stays in Vegas no longer an acceptable
reason/excuse for maxing out
the company expense account.
Token IRA contribution set up
to compensate employees for
the 2.4 seconds it takes
the government to spend
their lifetime tax payments.
Promising new business: R&D
brainstorms entire population
of US could fit into ten major league
stadiums in liquid form.
Cutting-edge research to begin on
products and services appealing
to twelve-fingered humans who will
achieve majority status by 2412.
Secure six golden handcuffs,
extend seven golden handshakes.
Notify legal.
Employee #131313, John Blackard,
scheduled for interview without coffee
Christmas Eve. No severance package.
Nothing else for the good
of the order; everything appears
copasetic. Meeting adjourned.
Circling the parking lot in
his head, magpies chase and peck
bad dogs with chicken carcasses
wired around their necks.
John A. Blackard